Ten Steps to Creating a New Belief

Your belief system was established around the age of 7, according to neuroscience. Even if you’ve made some adjustments this suggests that you stand to gain a lot from some internal reflection.

Fortunately, we know that beliefs do not have to remain static.

With deliberate guidance from course creator Karl Pister, an executive coach with 34 years of successful coaching experience, Ten Steps to Creating New Belief guides you on exactly how to change limiting beliefs and establish new ones.

You’ll understand how beliefs shape your life and learn a proven ten-step process to create new beliefs that can lead to transformation and new opportunities.

This applies to any level of professional accomplishment.

Peak Performance

Peak performers draw the biggest crowds, highest viewer ratings and insane ticket prices, why?

You and I find it incredibly satisfying to witness that level of expertise. The precision of the perfect throw. The sound of a musical genius. Even the words of a gifted leader.

In this course you gain insights into the concept of peak performance, learning that it's not a random event but a highly refined and predictable sequence. And when harnessed, it empowers you in all aspects of your life.

So many courses offer you the blueprint for learning new skills, building a business or following a template approach to someone else's success.

And some do indeed find success that way. But it’s you, the individual that actually drives the success of anything you take on.

Deep down we all know this. So if you want to pursue those exciting new paths and ensure you are in the top percent boasting incredible success, this is the foundational work that will accomplish that.

This is a course that has limitless impact. It’s the fuel that will power you through all future endeavors.

Seven Levels of Awareness

Do you find yourself asking “How can I feel this stuck, when I’m as successful as I am?”

Do you know the patterns that have made you successful?

Are you aware of the thinking patterns that are currently slowing you down?

New is not the brain’s best friend, but unless you take firm action you will backslide. Progress is deliberate.

Support your growth by challenging your thinking through understanding awareness and opening new doors.

Discover the power of, “It’s up to me” that Karl Pister has seen transform the lives of his clients in his 34 years of highly successful coaching. He brings that possibility to you in the convenience of this incredibly enlightening course.

Five Key Foundations For Transformational Growth

Bring a learners mindset for one of the best adventures of your life. One you will reflect on as pivotal and yes…transformational.

Are you looking to better align yourself spiritually for a grounded sense of self. Do you seek more meaningful and healthy relationships in your life? Are you striving for abundance in balancing both time & finances? Are you ready to elevate personally and professionally in your performance? Are you focusing on your physical wellbeing to feel optimal in your daily life?

What if I told you to seek transformation through ALL of those areas of your life?

Be prepared…Awareness and transformation will blow up your habits. Your habits hate to be blown up, and they will fight you anytime you try to transform. Karl Pister’s 34 years of highly successful coaching brings you a proven and effective structure to follow.

Highly successful clients have even asked Karl, “Why did it take me so long?”. Which prompted the creation of a digital course with a wider reach and the convenience of technology.

This guided course strikes “some day” from your thinking in the most critical areas of your life and puts the keys in your hands to drive your outcomes.

Meet Your Instructors

Your Guides to Excellence

Karl Pister

Founder, The Coaching Group Inc.

Karl Pister is the founder and president of The Coaching Group, Inc. Karl has extensive experience in coaching, training, and individual and marital counseling, having worked in these fields for over 34 years. He has focused the majority of his coaching since 2008 on the healthcare sector, specializing in work with physicians, nurses, and healthcare executives with hospitals and clinics nationally. He is certified by the International Coach Federation and the John Maxwell Team.

Paul Martinelli

Founder, Empowered Living

Having worked his way from mop bucket to multi-millionaire, Paul Martinelli has climbed his way up from the bottom, with a PhD in results. Having worked in many different industries, he has built up extensive business experience and acumen, and his current focus has him working with clients on business strategy, sales training, and personal achievement.